kinetophone - journal of music, sound and moving image
Kinetophone is an international peer-reviewed journal, devoted to the study of the interaction between music, sound and moving image, including not only film, but also television, video, advertising, computer games, installation, digital art and other new media.
Published twice a year, the journal welcomes contributions from different fields of knowledge and in a diversity of topics, seeking to develop new and critical approaches on film music and film sound. Kinetophone is open to a wide range of disciplinary methodologies, including musicology, ethnomusicology and music analysis, film studies, cultural theory, media studies, popular music studies, aesthetics, semiotics, sociology, etc.
English and Portuguese are the journal’s primary languages, but articles in Spanish, French and Italian will also be welcome. In addition to the peer-reviewed articles, Kinetophone issues will also include book reviews, interviews and reports of other research activities on music, sound and moving image.
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