.dpi - feminist journal of art and digital culture


.dpi is a feminist journal of art and digital culture. Based in Montreal and published online, .dpi offers a unique and bilingual space for dialogue and interdisciplinary critical reflection, research, experimentation, and documentation. .dpi is a space where many voices situated at the intersection of art, technology and feminisms can be heard.


Fueled by critical, engaged and curious folks of all walks of life, .dpi is interested in questions related to the reality of feminist artists today, to the construction of feminist discourses around digital culture, and to the relationships between art, feminisms and technology.

Like art or technologies, feminism is inherently contentious or constantly evolving, and thus, a potential source of innovation. .dpi acknowledges the plurality -- even the antagonism -- at the basis of feminisms and welcomes bold -- or better yet polemical -- contributions situated within a framework of anti-oppression.

.dpi is a participatory and user-generated space for dialogue and community building. The journal especially welcomes both personal approaches and collaborative ways of working. By means of its blog and an electronic publication published three times a year, .dpi endeavours to provoke exchanges across different communities.

Produced with the support of Studio XX, .dpi values the work of local communities, particularly that of artist-run-centres and collectives, while making connections with regional and international perspectives.



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