culture decanted
Culture Decanted is focused on exploring social and cultural trends from the trivial to the significant.
There are roughly 7,230,175,088 humans alive today, plus or minus a
few million. Cumulatively 107,602,707,791 humans have been guessed to
have ever lived – the point here is not the accuracy of the maths but
that culture and society continues to find new ways to express and
articulate meaning.
All of us are using shared systems and conventions of communication – to quote Louise Damen
“Culture (are) learned and shared human patterns or models for living; day- to-day living patterns. These patterns and models pervade all aspects of human social interaction. Culture is mankind’s primary adaptive mechanism”.
There is nothing more fascinating about the human experience than to
look deeply at how human thought comes to live in: art, literature,
design, advertising, brands, marketing – really any form of cultural
expression. This involves looking at what we do, how we do it, why we
do – what drives such and eclectic and at time consistent expression of
the human condition? We are at an age where frames of thinking from
philosophy, psychology to semiotics enable us to appreciate culture
through different lens.
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