society and space - environment and planning d

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space is an international and interdisciplinary journal that provides a forum for the discussion of the mutually constitutive relation between the social and the spatial. It seeks to be philosophically sophisticated, practically relevant, and to concretely theorise a range of contemporary, historical, political and cultural contexts.

Space is broadly conceived: from landscapes of the body to global geographies; from cyberspace to old growth forests; as metaphorical and material; as theoretically nuanced and empirically rich. Interpretations move across theoretical and empirical spectrums, from psychoanalysis to political economy; anthropology to literature; and philosophy to architecture. The journal editors are equally committed to the spatial aspects of political action and the abstractions of social theory. We believe that this commitment is best achieved by keeping a balance between, and placing into creative tension, economic, political, and cultural analyses, informed by theoretical innovation and underpinned by a range of empirical research.

The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, and seeks to broaden this aspect of its work over the forthcoming years. It is international in content, contribution, and readership. Both of these aspects are underpinned and actively pursued by an international, interdisciplinary editorial advisory board. We therefore welcome submissions from geography, cultural studies, economics, anthropology, sociology, politics, international relations, literary studies, architecture, planning, history, women’s studies, art history, and philosophy; and other disciplines and areas that can contribute to the dialogue between society and space.


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