donna haraway, cyborg surrealisms

How Like A Leaf, Donna Haraway an interview with Thyza Nichols Goodeve

V. Cyborg Surrealisms

Thyza Nichols Goodeve: In all of your work you lay out your evidence and adjust your level of critique but you also do something else that I gather comes out of science fiction (or is why you like science fiction). You speculate specifically through myth-building. Certainly this is true of "A Cyborg Manifesto" and "The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies," and Modest_Witness, where you are not just doing one layer of analysis -- say of critique or unmasking relationships--but you are also involved in building alternative ontologies, specifically via the use of the imaginative.

Donna Haraway: Yes, that is true, and I think you are right, it is why science fiction is political theory for me.

TNG: Which brings in the centrality of Octavia Butler's science fiction for you. When you first encountered her Xenogenesis series it must have felt uncanny. I mean her work is the perfect science fictional corollary to such essays as "The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies."

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