imaginarios: la "paisidad"

Horizontes, Francisco Cano, 1913

Johnny Lopera, 2010

For the entrepreneurial issue we wanted to showcase the business savvy for which Paisas are so well known. We thus re-imagined one of Antioquia’s most symbolic paintings, “Horizontes” (1913) or Horizons in English by Francisco A. Cano. The original painting depicts a young family seeking their future across the horizon; we wanted to update the piece with a young entrepreneurial couple in today’s world, pondering the future of Medellin in 2010 and beyond.


  1. «Tu septiformis munere, digitus paternae dexterae, tu rite promissum Patris, sermone ditans guttura.» [Tú derramas sobre nosotros los siete dones; Tú el dedo de la mano de Dios, Tú el prometido del Padre, pones en nuestros labios los tesoros de tu palabra] VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS


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