STATEMENT FOR THE BOOK Vocabulary of Decoloniality,

INVITATION LETTER Post-Conceptual Art Practices editorial board:

»Vocabulary of Decoloniality is an attempt to transcend the class Program and will try to contextualize questions of knowledge, dissemination and activation through art and theory. Reading writers such as Frantz Fanon, bell hooks, Belinda Kazeem, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai, Walter Mignolo and Peggy Piesche and relating their ideas to the current state of capitalism, migration, racism, class, gender etc. we decided that it is necessary to reformulate the existing vocabulary and push certain new terminology and meaning. In the class readings we started to collect challenging terms which could be basis for this new rewriting process and can be used as entries for the vocabulary (for instance De-linking from Eurocentric Regime of Visual Gazes, Counteracting Violent Epistemological Configuration(s), Creating Sites of Political Tectonics, Disrupt the terrain of Cultural conservativism and Eurocentric chauvinism, Dismantling White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchal Culture etc.). The concept of decoloniality has been introduced as a proposal for the contention of contemporary forms of subjugation under neo-liberal capitalism that maintain certain continuities of historical colonialism. It implies that the colonial matrix of power introduced and maintained relations that did not end with decolonization. On the contrary, the established matrix of control, domination and exploitation in times of colonialism, remain inherent today. Furthermore, the relations of coloniality are not only functioning in the exploited World but also in the exploiting World through different processes of structural and institutionalized racism, European expansion process etc.

The readings of the mentioned authors created space for discussion in the class on the issues of transformations of education i.e. economization of education, commodification of art, maintenance of hegemonic and violent epistemological configurations, extreme exploitation outside of the exploiting world etc. Specifically we tackled the relation between knowledge and fine arts today.«


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